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Case Study: Telemedicine Solution

The Challenge

There are many instances where health care diagnosis, monitoring and treatment do not have any inherent requirements for the Physician, Specialists, or Nurse to have in person interactions with their patients other than the lack of technology infrastructure to support a remote tele-visit. In addition, many patients who require ongoing healthcare and monitoring live in remote areas or have physical limitations that make regular access to the proper care and treatment very difficult, if not impossible. Finally, it is often the case that a patient who is in an ongoing critical care treatment program is exposed to unnecessary health risk by visiting medical facilities where they are likely to be exposed to other patients with contagious illnesses.

The Plan

Assemble a team of 29 engineers to design, develop and test a Telemedicine solution in a nine-month window. Split the development organizations into three separate teams (e.g. Front End, Back End, API) working in parallel to support an accelerated architectural progression that limited inter-dependency blockers. Ensure rapid progression of solution components utilizing two-week sprint delivery cycles.

The Solution

Multiplied delivered a virtual care platform using a high tech, low touch approach to provide high-quality healthcare in the community setting, while reducing the cost of care delivery. The platform for care coordination and home healthcare integrates wearables, sensors, voice technology with intuitive mobile apps and desktop software for patients, families, clinicians, and healthcare administrators. Also included is a big data architecture that anonymizes the patient-level data to deliver real-world insights into chronic disease treatment and outcomes to support evidence-based care.

The Multiplied Result

Patients with complex care needs now receive high-quality healthcare at home; improving health outcomes, enhancing the quality of life for patients and families, and reducing the overall cost of care delivery. Delivering a timely solution was not only critical to improve patient outcomes, but was necessary to beat market expectations and satisfy commitments to investors.