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Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Sure.
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Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
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Multiplied exemplifies expansion, agility, and rapid deployment

Quality Assurance

QA can make a notable difference to your business performance. QA is a sweet spot for us. We are a proven industry leader in QA, we use the Agile methodology, and we have metrics and results to demonstrate our prowess. Multiplied QA teams have provided services for several clients, including Pace, Arris, Kimbia, Map My Fitness, Classroom Inc., Spiceworks, iControl, and many others.

How We Make a Difference

Our main differentiator is that we have designed a unique process that allows QA engineers to build automated test cases very quickly, which provides a dramatic reduction in overall execution time. This automation framework is easily adaptable to any market or technology and provides a consistent test methodology for your business solutions.

Bottom Line

A great example of our QA efficiency: One of our large telecom clients replaced 15 QA engineers from their offshore captive development location with 5 Multiplied QA engineers to handle the same workload. Similar timezone and well defined automation process created a 1 to 3 ratio in productivity improvement while cutting total QA costs.

Let's Talk!